Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cindy McCain Comments On "The View"

I am hearing that Cindy McCain is commenting and of course the media is saying she is critizing "The View" for Picking their bones clean. I finally was able to see the interview and I personally think that John McCain handled it very well. I hate to keep going back to this but if you watch what Bill O'Reilly did to Barack Obama he was much, much harder. He was pummeled by him. If we are going to complain about one we have to be fair about the other.

I think that Senator McCain handled the small jibes very well and I felt by the end they were nicer to him. If you ask me, and this is my very humble opinion, McCain is going to kill Obama in the debates. That doesn't mean McCain is a better candidate it means that McCain is a better debater. Im my humble Opinion. Only time will tell. Yes I am a McCain supporter but I truly beleive this.