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All Life is Subjective. Many People in China live on 2 dollars a day. John Paul Dejoria was homeless before becoming part of Paul Mitchel Hair Care and becoming a Millionaire. He looked at being homeless not as a catastrophe but he was grateful that he lived in a place where he could live on 3 dollars a day. He lived in his car and describes how to live on 3 dollars a day. Now that is optimism.
As I and others have pointed out, the federal government has been forcing banks to make bad loans to unqualified or "sub-prime" borrowers for more than 30 years under the 1977 "Community Reinvestment Act." Such loans comprise a large portion of all the sub-prime foreclosures. But the effect of the CRA is even worse than that. The chairman of the board of a major bank writes me:
"Mortage originators not subject to the CRA (presumably because they are not registered banks or thrifts) will still be subject to market pressures to make sub-prime loans. If banks and thrifts are pressured by CRA regulators . . . into making sub-prime loans, competitive pressures will encourage the non-CRA regulated institutions to make similar loans. Otherwise they will see their balance sheets decline relative to these other institutions."
"When you couple the pressures to make the sub-primes with the increase in the money supply arising from Federal Reserve actions, the fault comes fairly and squarely back to government actions over many years."
(I would add that the competitive effect mentioned above existed as long as the real estate bubble was bubbling.
Posted by Robyn at 8:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Politics
Over in the western Pacific, Typhoon Jangmi is moving northwest toward Taiwan.
Extensive damage with a significant threat to life from winds, seas, and flooding are expected.
Source:The Weather Channel
Posted by Robyn at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Posted by Robyn at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Sep 27, 4:47 PM EDT
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Troops would get a pay raise in a defense bill that Congress sent President Bush on Saturday. Even before passage, lawmakers had backed away from an election-season showdown with the administration over Iraq.
Legislation approved by a voice vote in the Senate would increase pay by 3.9 percent, extend bonuses and provide money for family housing, tuition assistance and other programs.
The bill, which maps $612 billion in defense spending next year, shows how lawmakers would rather go home and campaign than wage a prolonged battle in Washington with Bush over Iraq policy.
In the end, House-Senate bargainers dropped several provisions he opposed. Eliminated was language barring private interrogators from U.S. military detention facilities and giving Congress a chance to block a security pact with Iraq.
The legislation also lacks a call for a U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq - something Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama long has called for and Republican nominee John McCain has opposed.
The bill envisions nearly $70 billion for U.S. operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and requires more information on contractors with projects in Iraq. It also paves the way for Bush's plan to build an anti-missile system in Eastern Europe, a proposal strongly opposed by Russia.
The House approved the bill overwhelmingly on Wednesday. Bush is expected to sign the measure.
Posted by Robyn at 3:09 PM 0 comments
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Posted by Robyn at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Posted by Robyn at 1:18 PM 0 comments
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Associated Press Fact Checking the Debate. Here is a Link. Also has videos.
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Posted by Robyn at 12:33 PM 0 comments
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Posted by Robyn at 12:24 PM 0 comments
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Mark Halperin: "Obama said during the debate that Kissinger, a McCain adviser, supports presidential talks with the Iranian president."
This is false.
During the debate, Obama said Kissinger "said that we should meet with Iran -- guess what -- without precondition" -- not that the meetings should happen at the presidential level.
McCain repeatedly purported to correct this statement by saying Kissinger doesn't support presidential-level talks with Iran -- and each time, Obama made clear that was not his contention.
The transcript is here. See for yourself. Halperin isn't telling the truth. He's just parroting the McCain spin.
UPDATE: The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza writes: "McCain was able to turn a single question about meeting with rogue leaders into an extended colloquy that ended with him hitting Obama for misunderstanding Henry Kissinger. A very good moment for McCain."
This, too is false. Obama didn't misunderstand Kissinger. McCain misstated Obama's accurate statement about Kissinger. Again, read the transcript for yourself. Obama doesn't say Kissinger favors presidential-level talks; he says Kissinger favors talks. And the AP notes: "Obama was right that Kissinger called for meetings without preconditions."
So it's only a "very good moment for McCain" if you think that misstating your opponent's comments for the purposes of rebutting them is a "good moment."
Source: Media Matters
Posted by Robyn at 12:20 PM 0 comments
This gal has some great Hairstyles. Go to
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Posted by Robyn at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Posted by Robyn at 11:45 AM 0 comments
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Posted by Robyn at 10:08 AM 0 comments
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WASHINGTON (AP) — Children's book author Jon Scieszka enlightened a National Book Festival audience Friday night with stories about how he learned to read funny books by Dr. Seuss and strange books at school about an "alien" family.
"There was a boy, two girls, a mom and a dad and they talked in the weirdest way," Scieszka said at a gala kicking off this year's book festival, an annual event started by first lady Laura Bush in 2001. "Instead of saying `Hey, look at that dog,' they would say `Look. Look. See the dog. That is a dog."
Scieszka, who grew up in Flint, Mich., and now lives in Brooklyn, N.Y., and other authors entertained President Bush and Mrs. Bush, dignitaries and book lovers at a fancy gathering at the Library of Congress held on the eve of Saturday's book festival on the National Mall.
He said he became convinced that the "alien" characters were afraid they were going to forget each other's names because they kept repeating them.
"So if Jane didn't see the dog," he said. "Dick would say `Look, Jane, look. There is the dog next to Sally, Jane. ... The dog is next to father, Jane. Ha. Ha. Ha.'"
At home, Scieszka said his mother read him stories that made sense — tales about a guy named Sam, who liked green eggs and ham, and one about blue dogs, yellow dogs and dogs that drove cars and had a giant party in a tree.
"Those are my kind of dogs," he said.
More than 70 authors, illustrators, poets and thousands of book lovers of all ages are expected to attend this year's event.
"Many, of whom are here tonight, will tell the stories behind the books we love and introduce readers to new favorites," said Mrs. Bush who was honored at the gala for creating the festival. Mrs. Bush and her daughter, Jenna, will present their children's book "Read All About It!" and sign copies at the children's pavilion at the festival.
Posted by Robyn at 10:02 AM 0 comments
NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- Spokeswoman for Paul Newman says the screen legend has died at age 83 after battling cancer.
Posted by Robyn at 8:04 AM 0 comments
Barack Obama has bid $5 billion of your money to, we hope, clean up the Great Lakes and to, he hopes, clean up at the polls in the states where people most care about the health of those lakes. John McCain has professed offense at the idea that his rival for the presidency would seek to so crudely buy our election-year affection.
But, as the environmental groups that warn about the many threats to the health of the Great Lakes point out, it wouldn’t necessarily be such a bad thing if the two candidates would launch a bidding war for the right to be our new best friend.
If anything, Obama’s pledge of $5 billion to clean up the Great Lakes is only about a quarter of what environmental experts say is necessary. But it’s a start.
The states that surround the Great Lakes share many qualities, and one particular hope. All suffer to varying degrees from the deindustrialization of the Northeast and Midwest, as people and jobs have migrated to the South and Southwest. All stand to benefit greatly from their proximity to the huge fresh water reserves of those lakes and what they have to offer as a basis for industry, tourism and a quality of life that the drought-stricken Sun Belt may not be able to match.
If, that is, the industrial and municipal pollution of the lakes is arrested and reversed. If the export of large amounts of Great Lakes water is effectively banned by the Great Lakes Compact just passed by the House of Representatives, and on the way to President Bush at last for signing.
The Democratic nominee also promised to name a Great Lakes coordinator within the Environmental Protection Agency, someone to watch out for all of the lakes’ needs and threats as they touch on the activities of all federal agencies.
It is no slam on Obama to note that he is in a tight race with McCain and that at least four of the states that would benefit from Great Lakes protection — Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin — are important swing states in the coming election. Even in reliably blue New York, some polls show Obama a mere five points ahead of McCain.
McCain rightly derides the frequent government habit of throwing money at every problem that comes along. And if money spent on Great Lakes protection is not carefully targeted and transparently spent, then it would indeed be money thrown away.
But the need is there. All of our would-be leaders would do well to tell us how they would meet it.
Posted by Robyn at 8:16 PM 0 comments
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Posted by Robyn at 8:05 PM 0 comments
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Debate moderator Jim Lehrer kicked off the evening by sternly warning the audience at the University of Mississippi to behave themselves at tonight’s event.
“We’re trying a new format here…it’s going to require my absolute concentration. I don’t want to worry about anyone cheering or hollering or making any noise behind me,” he said. “There’s going to be an understandable natural tendency to cheer, hiss, boo or whatever—don’t do it.”
Lehrer noted that John McCain’s wife, Cindy, and Barack Obama’s wife, Michelle, are seated on opposite sides of the hall and would help enforce the quiet policy.
“I don’t want to be difficult about it, but I will be hard about it,” Lehrer said, adding that pictures are forbidden and as for cell phones. “Turn them off!” he shouted. “This is not a competing pep rally.”
Lehrer said that millions of people are tuning in for the debate and it could likely help decide the next president. “This has to be a credible process, this has to be a credible debate,” he said, “It not only has to appear to be fair, it has to be fair, and it’s my job to do that.”
There will be 10, nine-minute segments in tonight’s debate. The candidates will have an opportunity to question each other.
Source:The Wall Street Journal
Posted by Robyn at 7:59 PM 0 comments
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A former Marine Corps lance corporal sued Representative John P. Murtha, Democrat of Pennsylvania, right, accusing him of slander. The onetime marine, Justin Sharratt, says his reputation was damaged by Mr. Murtha’s saying that marines had killed women and children “in cold blood” in Haditha, Iraq, in November 2005. Mr. Sharratt, 24, was initially charged with three counts of premeditated murder in the case, but was exonerated. The lawsuit says Mr. Murtha violated Mr. Sharratt’s rights to due process and presumption of innocence with comments on news programs in May 2006. Mr. Sharratt, who was honorably discharged last year, says he has received hate e-mail messages and been called “baby killer” when he goes out in Canonsburg, about 15 miles south of Pittsburgh. Prosecutors have said 24 Iraqis, including women and children, were killed in Haditha on Nov. 19, 2005, after one marine was killed and two others were wounded by a bomb. Mr. Murtha, a decorated veteran, attributed the killings to troops under pressure.
Posted by Robyn at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Posted by Robyn at 7:43 PM 0 comments
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Posted by Robyn at 7:17 PM 1 comments
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Here presidential debate schedule:
October 2, 2008: Vice Presidential debate, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
October 7, 2008: Presidential debate in a town hall format, Belmont University, Nashville, TN
October 15, 2008: Presidential debate with domestic policy focus, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY
Each debate will begin at 9pm EST (6pm PST) and last for 90 minutes.
All nine major channels will broadcast the live event, including ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, PBS, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and BBC.
Posted by Robyn at 7:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Politics
I don’t dislike Obama. I dislike his ideals. I go for the ideals of the Republicans. Now, that does not mean the Republicans have been carrying out their own ideals they have been asleep at the wheel because Bush and many in Congress (Democrats and Republicans)have been bought off and are corrupt. It takes something like the crisis we are in now to wake people up. Most people have been turning their heads because somehow they think that nothing will happen. Now it has and now we know it can happen. Sort of like Katrina. The fact is that I am a fiscal conservative. The Republican ideals fall within that, the Democrats don't even come close. But implementation is another issue. I could never vote for another party and ideals I that don’t fall into my fiscal conservative beliefs. This is why I voted for Bush. It puts us in a quandary doesn’t it?
Posted by Robyn at 6:22 PM 0 comments
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Posted by Robyn at 4:28 PM 0 comments
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All John McCain would have to say tonight is- Barack Obama wants to increase the Capital Gains tax. If we were to cut it in half, the market would be flooded with money. We probably wouldn't even have to bail anyone out. McCain wants to decrease Capital Gains, Obama wants to increase it. Now who is better for the economy?
Written by Robyn Honsey
Posted by Robyn at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Politics
Did democats actually propose giving ACORN a portion of the $700 million in the original bailout draft? Yes.
This is -- by far -- (even more underhanded than Reid attempting to attach a no-drilling legislation and a multi-billion stimulus package to the bailout bill) an unethical and dastardly attempt by democrats to fund an anti-government organization which is currently embroiled in voter fraud cases throughout the nation.
From SadimTouch: (note: links to ACORN site may have been disabled or changed since this news broke last evening. We are looking for screen shots of referenced pages.)
This money handout is obviously in response to ACORN's lobbying efforts this week. They have been begging for it. (ht to Excuse Me For Kickin)
If this is accurate, and not a misspoken error, the Democrats have dropped a bomb on themselves. This is a big mistake for them, because up until this point in the campaign they have managed to avoid the ACORN connection with, "voter fraud, embezzlement, and misuses of taxpayer funds, ACORN's pattern of fraud can no longer be dismissed as a series of 'unfortunate events.'" They didn't get the memo that there is an investigation going on, that looks ugly and smells ugly. For them to carve out this level of funding in this hastily cobbled together proposal is remarkable for showing that the Democrats exhibit enormous arrogance in thinking the public will not care, and secondly that they are totally unaware that there is a moral issue in inflating this bill unnecessarily at a time like this (or EVER!), never mind that it is going to an organization that has possible rampant corruption.
We have previously reported Obama's association with ACORN in these posts at Perish the Thought:
-- Father's Socialist Dreams
-- Foreign Policy: One World Order
-- Illinois Senate Years
-- U.S. Senate Days
-- Hidden Agenda(s)
-- Oblamanomics
-- Obama's Energy Plan(s)
-- Issues & Topics
-- Terrorism/Iraq
-- Questionable Associates
-- Obama's "Communities"
SadimTouch continues:
Barack Obama was once the Attorney for ACORN. While Obama was Chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, the CAC provided funds for ACORN's Voter Registration Activities. Obama provided training to ACORN workers who are frequently misrepresented as "Volunteers" - ACORN pays for its Voter Registration Activities. ACORN, which receives partial taxpayer funding, uses those funds to conduct solicitations for contributions to Political Campaigns. In Philadelphia alone ACORN has raised over $800,000 Dollars for Barack Obama's Campaign.
More links:
Kill the bailout: More ACORN funding?!
Alert - Bailout Talks Include Funding Corrupt ACORN
What is ACORN? Why is ACORN Associated With Voter Fraud - Does Obama Have An ACORN Connection?
Report: Part of Democratic Bailout Diverts Our Money to ACORN « Pocket Change - Now Lint Free!
Republicans, ACORN feud over suspicious voter cards
ACORN and the Communist Party USA
And the bailout cash goes to… ACORN!
Bailout For……ACORN?????? , An Ol' Broad's Ramblings
Report: Part of Democratic Bailout Diverts Our Money to ACORN
Webloggin » Alert - Bailout Talks Include Funding to Corrupt ACORN
John Fund Talks ACORN Vote Fraud - video
Posted by Robyn at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Politics
Is love lovelier the second time around?
Broncos Hall-of-Famer John Elway is betting on it.
He asked steady girlfriend Paige Green, a former Raiderette, to marry him while the cute couple was vacationing in Italy last week.
“I’m very lucky to find Paige,” Elway told me. “She’s a great gal. I’m looking forward to a long life together.”
The quarterback and the cheerleader met three years ago during a celebrity golf tournament in Los Angeles, where Green, an actress, called home. But it wasn’t until seven months later when Elway spotted the lovely lady on an infomercial that he thought to contact her.
A year ago, she moved to Denver where the two have made their nest in Elway’s Cherry Hills Village home. Elway’s first marriage to Janet Elway ended after 18 years and four children.
Craig Andrisen, one of Elway’s best buds, said he knew the two would get engaged eventually, he just didn’t know when.
“I’m ecstatic for the both of them,” said Andrisen who recently married for the second time to Christy Luth. “At my wedding, he sat in the back row. Now he’s moving up to the front.”
Elway, 48, and Green, 41, haven’t set their wedding date yet. For the Italy proposal, the former quarterback came prepared with diamond ring in tow. Did he make the surprise proposal romantic?
“I tried to, yeah,” he said. “I think she said, ‘Yes,’ the third time I asked her.”
Posted by Robyn at 3:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Entertainment
CNN) -- Angela Stokes had never been overweight as a child.
But she steadily started gaining weight as a teenager because of an under-active thyroid gland. By the time she graduated from college her weight had ballooned and she wore a U.K. dress size 26-28.
"I was 300 pounds, very unwell, very miserable," recalls Stokes. "I ate junk food all the time. I was very closed down emotionally. I had no interest in dieting; I just wanted to eat all the time ... that was like my comfort in life."
At the time, she says she was so "emotionally shut down" she refused to talk to anyone about what was happening. The weight was also taking a physical toll on her health and she frequently battled infections and illness.
Stokes says living her everyday life became a challenge.
"My mobility was quite restricted ... I was unwilling to participate in things from cutting my toenails to going on a walk with my friends," remembered Stokes. "I tried to give this impression that I felt fine about everything, but inside I was in a lot of pain a lot of the time."
Two summers after she reached her heaviest weight, Stokes was working at a greenhouse in Iceland, when a friend lent her a copy of a book about the health benefits of eating raw foods. Stokes, who had never been interested in diets, says she was completely "absorbed" by the approach.
She started eating raw the very next day.
Read the Rest Here
Posted by Robyn at 3:29 PM 0 comments
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