Saturday, October 25, 2008

Printable Pumpkin Carving Templates

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Marxism-Karl Marx Wikipedia Definition

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Arkansas TV anchor Anne Pressly dies days after attack

How sad.  Our prayers are with her family

(CNN) -- CNN affiliate KATV in Little Rock, Arkansas, said Saturday evening that its morning anchorwoman, Anne Pressly, died. She was 26 years old.

Anne Pressly, 26, was a popular morning news anchor at KATV in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Anne Pressly, 26, was a popular morning news anchor at KATV in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Pressly was found beaten early Monday at her home. She was hospitalized and sedated.

Pressly's parents released a statement, saying they were "with her in her last moments." They also asked for "the privacy we need at this very difficult time," KATV reported.

Police said Pressly was apparently not targeted but was attacked during the course of a burglary. Her purse was missing.

Pressly had a brief role as a TV commentator in Oliver Stone's film "W.," released in theaters this month.

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Jennifer Hudson's Sister Pleads for Son's Return (Video)

The older sister of actress Jennifer Hudson pleaded for the return of her missing son at the family's church on the South Side of Chicago. Julia Hudson made the public plea Saturday for her 7-year-old son, Julian King, who was reported missing Friday from the family's home. The same day, Hudson's mother and brother were found shot to death in the home. The 31-year-old woman spoke from the church podium with the boy's father, Greg King, at her side. Click play to watch the full news conference.

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Daylight-saving time ends Sunday in Mexico and November 2 in US.

The twice-yearly one week confusionon the  border begins at 2 a.m. Sunday when Mexico returns to standard time. The United States won't switch until a week later.

For one week, there will be a one-hour time difference between California and Baja California, scrambling the schedules of the thousands of people who cross the border often.

Daylight-saving time ends Nov. 2 in the United States. We will set our clocks back one hour. 

Until then, Tijuana will be one hour behind San Diego. 

Border crossers first faced this time difference last year, when the United States extended Daylight Saving Time. 

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Dr. Phil Caught Having an Affair? According to National Enquirer.

According to reports, Dr. Phil has been caught cheating on his wife of 31-years Robin McGraw. The National Enquirer alleges that Robin caught the talk show host, whose full name is Phil McGraw, having an affair and the “other woman” is now telling all.

McGraw has not commented on the reports. No other details about the allegations were avaliable.

This isn’t the first time McGraw, 58, has been accused of cheating. In 2002, it was publically revealed for the first time that he was married to a woman named Debbie Higgins McCall before his marriage to Robin. McCall claimed McGraw had multiple affairs during their 3-year marriage.

“When I confronted him about his infidelities he didn’t deny these girls and told me that it had nothing to do with his feeling toward me, to grow up, that’s the way it was in the world,” McCall said.


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Barbara West Interview with Joe Biden (Video)

All I can say is Wow.  Senator Biden now you had a 5 minute look into the 
life of Sarah Palin.  And I can tell you didn't like it when you said, "Who is writing your questions?" 
The Barack Obama campaign called Barbara West's interview with
Sen. Joe Biden unprofessional and combative.

Definition of Rogue

1 : vagrant , tramp2 : a dishonest or worthless person : scoundrel3 : a mischievous person : scamp4 : a horse inclined to shirk or misbehave5 : an individual exhibiting a chance and usually inferior biological variation
And yes the Media does it again. Calling Palin Rogue.  If McCain loses you can thank the media.  

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Colorado couple get marijuana with order of tacos

LAKEWOOD, Colo. (AP) -- A Colorado couple found an unusual topping on their order of tacos: a small bag of marijuana.

They discovered the drugs with their order from a Del Taco restaurant and called police, said Lakewood police spokesman Steve Davis.

Twenty-six-year-old Dennis Klermund, who police say waited on the husband when he picked up food Oct. 16, faces charges of possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

Klermund initially denied any knowledge but admitted the bag was meant for a friend after a search dog found more marijuana in a locker, police said.

Klermund no longer works at the restaurant, said manager Ulises Montero. A message left for Klermund was not returned.

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Jaime Katheryn Steen Woman accused of sending students obscene texts

FORT STOCKTON, Texas (AP) — A former Texas high school teacher faces a misdemeanor charge for allegedly sending pornographic images in text messages to male students.

Jaime Katheryn Steen, 26, was free on $4,000 bond Friday, two days after she turned herself in to authorities.

The first-year teacher worked at Fort Stockton High School in southwest Texas. She resigned Wednesday.

Officials at the Tom Green County Jail said records did not show whether she had an attorney. She did not have a listed phone number.

The investigation began after school officials started looking into allegations that Steen had recently purchased beer for five teenage boys, Fort Stockton police Lt. Louis Hernandez said.

Police investigators found she had been sending adult pornographic pictures in the form of jokes as text messages, he said.

"She was not using her best judgment," said Hernandez, who added that she gave a statement to police admitting she sent the texts.

Steen is charged with selling, distributing or displaying harmful material to a minor, a misdemeanor punishable by 180 days to a year in jail.

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Tell a Friend Writer 'Deeply Ashamed to be Called a “Journalist”'

Story Here

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Dog Growls at Foot. Funny Video

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Benny Hinn 'Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" Funny Video

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MSNBC/AP say Player Injury Palin's Fault

Click Here for Story

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AP Again Calls Govenor Sarah Palin A Racist

The Associated Press has once again called Governor Sarah Palin a racist. This time Rachel D’Oro for the AP bases her claim on the fact that Palin appointed minorities to her Alaska administration -- but not enough of them to suit the AP -- and because at an Alaska rally when she was running for governor one attendee once spoke to a black cameraman in an unkind manner. Yep, that's a mountain of evidence the AP has there, isn't it?

The AP also spoke to a few black ministers in Alaska and, shockingly, they announced that they felt she had no "sensitivity" to their political positions. Imagine that? A Republican that isn't receptive to demands based on a race driven agenda? No one has ever heard of that before, right?

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Obama Biden ' We all Love America'. Reverend Wright 'God Damn America'.

Reverend Wright-Married Senator Obama,  He was his Pastor for over 20 Years.  Reverend Wright's remarks make me want to cry. 

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Taxpayers Won’t Foot Bill For Massive Obama Election Night Party

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Amy Borkowsky wants Super Bowl ad to find a husband

Amy Borkowsky needs to find a good man, and she wants your help. She’s not asking for much, at least not by the standards of the mortgage industry. Just enough money to buy a personal ad — during the Super Bowl.

OK, it’s a bit pricey: $3 million. But, Borkowsky points out, where else can she get the attention of 60 million American males, several of whom may be interested in meeting a 5-foot-6, 110-pound comedian and best-selling author (“Amy's Answering Machine: Messages from Mom,” “Statements: True Tales of Life, Love, and Credit Card Bills”) who is a member of MENSA and once won an artificial fireplace with a suggested retail price of $552 on “The Price is Right?”

Accepting donations
Borkowsky’s problem is that, even after checking under the couch cushions and returning a lip gloss, she can’t scrape together the $3 million. To bridge the gap, she’s started a Web site,, to advertise her quest and collect donations from a public that she’s sure will have a deep and personal interest in helping her to find a nice man.

Source  MSNBC

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Country singer Lorrie Morgan files for bankruptcy

Here is the Link.

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Tell a Friend Favorite New Gadget. Amazon Kindle.

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Police investigating deaths at home listed under same name as Jennifer Hudson's mother

TMZ is reporting the two are Jennifer Hudson's Mother and Brother. 

CHICAGO | Authorities in Chicago say they're investigating the deaths of two people whose bodies were found at a home that's listed under the same name as the mother of Oscar-winning actress and singer Jennifer Hudson.

The Cook County medical examiner's office says officials were dispatched Friday afternoon to a South Side home where the bodies of a man and a woman were found.

Police say they're at the home and two people were found unresponsive, but they have no other details.

Police tape blocks access to the large, white house, where a crowd has gathered outside.

Public listings show a Jennifer Hudson and Darnell Donerson at the address. Hudson grew up in Chicago and her mother's name is Darnell Donerson.

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Breeders Cup 2008

Link to a Run Down of All the Horses in the Race this Year. 

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Asha Mandela Has World's Longest Dreadlocks (photos and Video)

Asha Mandela Sets World Record With 8 Foot Dreads (Pictures/Video)

Posted on October 24, 2008

Asha Mandela of Polk County, has dreadlocks measuring 8 feet, 9 inches and has set the world record for the longest dreadlocks. See Asha Mandela’s dreadlock photos and video below.

Click Thumbnails for Larger Pictures


Asha Mandela’s dreadlocks are longer than she is tall. Asha began growing her dreads twenty years ago.

Asha wraps her 8 foot, 9 inch dreads around her neck like a scarf, or lets them hang down her back like a veil. Mandela is originally from Trinidad, and began growing her dreads 20 years ago while she was living in New York.

Asha Mandela said she has considered cutting her long dreadlocks before, but loves the hairstyle and it has become too much a part of her to part with them now.

Asha says, “As much as I love it, I get frustrated with it. ” But adds, “But then I realize I’d feel naked without it.”

An executive assistant to the city administrator of Longwood, Florida, Ryan Spinella, was a witness to vertify the measuring of Mandela’s dreads. He said, “I couldn’t say what to compare it with. Just a lot of hair.” Spinella added, “You don’t believe it until you measure it really.”

Mandela’s dreadlocks are very important to her, and she refers to them as her baby. But of course they are quite a bit of work. When she goes in her pool, it takes two hours at least for her dreads to dry. Mandela says, “I try not to have any errands that day”.

Asha Mandela washes her 8 foot dreads once a week, and it takes an entire bottle of shampoo and bottle of conditioner to accomplish the task.

Check out Asha Mandela in the video.

Images: PR

Source: news

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Isiah Thomas Hospitalized After Overdosing on Sleeping Pills

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Wedding in a Waffle House Parking Lot?

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A Look on Floor of Wall Street (Video)

A Cool Look at what it looks like on Wall Street.

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Panda Sneezes (Video)

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Al The Shoe Salesman Gets A Taxcut. He's going to get $1000!!

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Obama McCain Dance Off-

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New Obama Remarks from 1995.

I usually do not put these sort of videos up because they are heavily cut and I don't know where they came from, but I was concerned by the 'White Executives that don't want to pay taxes for inner city kids to go to school' remark here.   Here is the link. 

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Republican Leader In New Mexico Calls Obama A "Muslim Socialist". Asked to Resign

Santa Fe, NM (AHN) - The head of a group of Republican women in New Mexico has been asked to resign after calling Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) a "Muslim socialist."

Marcia Stirman, head of the Republican Women of Otero County, sent a letter to Alamogordo Daily News early this week stating why she is a Republican. The published letter read, "I believe in a sovereign God who sometimes gives us what we deserve. I believe Muslims are our enemies.... I believe there is a moderate and a socialist in this election. I agree with a two-party system, but Obama isn't a messiah or a democrat. He's a Muslim socialist."

The chairperson of the Republican Party in Otero County, Sassy Tinling, has denounced the comments and told KOAT that the party would ask for Stirman's resignation.

"Marcia Stirman's views and opinions in this matter are her own independent thoughts and opinions and do not reflect the thoughts and opinions of the Republican Party of Otero County or the Republican Women of Otero County," Tinling said.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, the nation's largest Islamic civil liberties group, welcomed Tinling's statement, saying, "No political party should accept or excuse religious intolerance."

Obama, a Christian, has been fighting back persistent rumors that he is a radical Muslim. During the primary season, a photo of him wearing traditional Somali dress during a 2006 visit to Kenya was widely circulated on the Internet.

Recently, he has also been accused by Republicans of pushing a "socialist" tax policy. Obama's "spread the wealth" statement to an Ohio man now known as Joe the Plumber has been the target of the attacks.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has said he plans to "experiment with socialism." Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said on Tuesday, "Senator Obama is more interested in controlling who gets your piece of the pie than he is in growing the pie."

Obama has countered the criticisms, saying on Wednesday, "I had a nice conversation the other day with Joe the plumber. Joe is cool. I've got no problems with Joe. All I want to do is give Joe a tax cut... We can give relief to the nurse and the teacher and the bus driver and the janitor. John McCain calls that socialism."

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Former Newsweek Reporter Admits Dreaming About Taking Out Giuliani

A former Newsweek reporter who followed Rudy Giuliani around during the Republican presidential primary campaign admits he has no objectivity and wanted Giuliani off the trail.

Story Here. 

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McAllister, Smith among players reportedly testing positive for bumetanide

A number of NFL players -- including Deuce McAllister and Will Smith of the New Orleans Saints -- have tested positive under the NFL's steroid policy as a result of taking water pills to lose weight, according to a report from Fox 31-Denver reporter Josina Anderson.

Deuce McAllister


Will Smith


Anderson's report cited "a rash of positive tests." The number is more than 10 and may exceed 15, two sources have told ESPN senior NFL analyst Chris Mortensen.

Attorney David Cornwell told Mortensen he has been retained by "a number of players" to represent them in the NFL appeals process, but Cornwell wouldn't say who those players were or the exact number who have retained his legal services.

Smith's listed agent, Joel Segal, was not immediately available to comment, according to Fox 31-Denver. A representative for McAllister's agent, Jim Steiner, said the agent would call that station back.

Under the NFL's steroid policy, a player's first positive test results in a four-game suspension.

McAllister and Smith both practiced Friday morning at the Saints' hotel in Watford, England. They are in London preparing for Sunday's game against San Diego.

The Saints switched to a London hotel Friday afternoon. The team did not immediately return calls or e-mails seeking coment.

National Football League spokesman Michael Signora, who is in London, said the league will not comment on the reports.

According to Anderson's report, McAllister and Smith are part of a group that tested positive for a diuretic known as Bumetanide. Others tested positive for a different substance.

"Most of them tested positive for Bumetanide," said the league source, according to Fox 31-Denver. "The last few tested positive for another substance that works similarly."

A source told Fox 31-Denver that Bumetanide "can also mask the use of other drugs or steroids."

Bumetanide is a drug belonging to a group of medicines called loop diuretics or "water pills." Its uses include the treatment of fluid retention and swelling caused by medical conditions such as congestive heart failure, liver disease, and kidney disease, Fox 31-Denver reported.

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New McCain Ad uses Bidens 'World will Test Obama' Remarks.

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Campaign Worker Admits Making Up Story Of ATM Attack

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Football Hall of Famer Elway to Campaign With McCain

DENVER - Republican presidential candidate John McCain is in Colorado for a rally in Denver and stops in two other cities Friday. 

McCain was scheduled to appear at the National Western Arena event which was going to begin at 10:00 a.m. NFL Hall of Fame quarterback John Elway was expected to show his support for McCain by making an appearance at the event. FOX 31 News learned Friday morning that former Broncos safety John Lynch was going to be there as well. 

Gates were opening at 8:00 a.m. and the McCain campaign said free tickets for the event were going fast Thursday. 

McCain was also expected to stop in Colorado Springs, before heading to Durango for a rally at the Durango High School football field at 5 p.m.
His visit comes during a week when both vice presidential candidates visited the state. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is scheduled to hold rallies in Denver and Fort Collins on Sunday.

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Liberals let loose on Palin and Joe the Plumber. Even Biden and Obama have taken shots.

SAN DIEGO, California (CNN) -- I thought liberals were supposed to be good-hearted, open-minded and non-judgmental.

Tell that to the angry Left's favorite piñata, Sarah Palin. As far as liberals are concerned, Palin can do no right just as Barack Obama and Joe Biden can do no wrong. In fact, Biden is catching more passes than an NFL wide receiver.

As Palin herself pointed out in a recent CNN interview, imagine if she had been the one to imply that electing Obama would invite calamity. Biden does it, and the media shrug.

I also thought the Democratic Party was supposed to go to bat for the little guy, the everyday Joe the Plumber.

Tell that to Joe Wurzelbacher, the Ohio resident who got his 15 minutes -- and 40 lashes -- because he dared question Obama about his tax plan. Obama insists that the plan would raise taxes only on those Americans earning more than $250,000 per year. It was then Obama made his clumsy "spread the wealth" comment.

What was Joe thinking: that we live in a democracy where everyday Americans who pay the salaries of elected officials can dare question their policies? That just isn't done.

To prove it, the elites who run the Democratic Party -- along with their surrogates in the media and organized labor -- went after the plumber.

We now know that Samuel Joe Wurzelbacher owes back taxes, doesn't have a plumbing license (he told the Associated Press he doesn't need one because he works for someone else's company), and may not be registered to vote.

Commenting on a story, one condescending reader wrote that Joe the Plumber should pipe down and "get back in my bathroom and unclog the toilet."

Even Biden and Obama got in a few licks. Biden quipped to Jay Leno that Democrats wanted to take care of "Joe-the-real-plumber-with-a-license," and Obama sarcastically asked supporters, "how many plumbers do you know making $250,000 a year?" The implication being that Joe the Plumber isn't who he pretends to be.

What worries me is that the Democrats aren't what they pretend to be.

Obama supporters like to talk about how the Democratic presidential nominee has lived the American Dream. So why is it to so hard for them to conceive of a situation where someone dreams of earning more money a few years from now than they earn today. Has Barack Obama consumed all the social mobility this country has to offer, so there isn't any left for the rest of us?

Now, the Obama-Biden boosters have refocused their attention on their earlier irritant, Sarah Palin.

The latest media template is that the vice presidential nominee is a drag on the GOP ticket. Pundits detect a backlash, not just among Democrats who love to hate Sarah Palin but also among women, independents and seniors. They cite polls showing Palin with an unfavorable rating of 50 percent.

So what? We're in the post-Clinton, post-Bush era of polarization where any politician with a pulse -- Sorry, Joe Biden -- will be loved by half the country and hated by the other half.

It's surreal. Before McCain put Palin on the ticket, he was getting 200 people at campaign rallies, and now, when he appears when Palin, he gets 20,000. Yes, definitely a drag. Rock star welcome for Palin in Ohio

McCain oversold it when he said Palin was the most qualified vice presidential candidate in recent history. Better than Dick Cheney? Could she be worse? Obama might have paid Biden the same compliment if his running mate hadn't already told supporters that Hillary Clinton would have been a better choice.

Then there is the faux-scandal that the Republican National Committee shelled out $150,000 in the past several weeks on Palin and her family for campaign wardrobe, accessories, makeup, etc.

Many Americans don't see why it's a story. Fellow hockey mom Page Growney of New Canaan, Conn., asked The Associated Press, "What did you want to see her in, a turtleneck from L.L. Bean?"

Still, we're told, this tempest in a Gucci bag has some Republicans worrying that shopping sprees at Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue might undermine Palin's everywoman image. To think, just last month, the criticism was that Sarah the Moose Hunter wasn't sufficiently sophisticated or glamorous. Now her wardrobe signals the hockey mom is high-maintenance.

Just how many more caricatures -- some of them contradictory -- can we expect the left to throw at Sarah Palin before time runs out on this election?


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Reverend Wright- This is Obama's Church and Pastor for twenty Years.

This is horrible. All I want to know is- Why and how can you believe this,Senator Obama? And how will these beliefs affect your decisions in office. No one seems to care except Republicans, I guess.

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