According to CAPS players (Smart?), an investment in 2 star Citibank would be dumb (Dumb?), and you would have to be lucky (Lucky) to realize a positive return.
If you are born a Saudi Oil Prince (Lucky?), and announced a 200bil investment in Citibank last thursday (Dumb?), did you know something (Smart?) that I didn't?
Who is pleased as piss that his federal gov't has decided to remove the risk taken by one of the worlds wealthiest investors on his Citibank investment and laughs, ha ha ha ha, when conservatives speak of "redistribution of wealth" as though the poor might be gaining something.
And for the record, I only greenthumbed C in CAPS because one of my favorites who has timed this crap pretty well did, and I swear I have never accepted so much as a lunch, dinner or reach-around from Hank Paulson. Unlike the good Prince Alwaleed, who was just delivered a very nice gift.
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