A grand jury has been listening to the details of the Casey Anthony case involving her missing daughter Caylee Marie on Tuesday.
Anthony's defense attorney Jose Baez and the Anthony family were outraged that the grand jury would hear the evidence in order to determine if Casey should be charged with murder. However, Casey, Baez and her mother Cindy were all at the grand jury hearing Tuesday.
George Anthony, Casey's father, was subpoenaed to testify about the odor that came from Casey's trunk. Police forensics determined that the smell and materials within the trunk came from a decomposed body.
The grand jury was also being presented with evidence about the discovery of chloroform during the investigation and about hair samples and stains found in Anthony's trunk.
Caylee Marie was last seen in mid-June, two months before her third birthday. Casey did not report Caylee missing until later in July. Police believe Caylee is dead based on evidence and Casey's lies about what happened.
Twelve jurors will have to agree on whether or not there is enough evidence to charge Casey with manslaughter or murder.
Anthony was also scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday morning on separate theft and fraud charges in an unrelated case in which Anthony allegedly stole checks from her friend for cash and purchases. She and Baez didn't plan to attend because of the grand jury hearing.
Source: Transworld News
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