Keep in Mind this man makes his living on shorting stocks.
Robertson, who came to fame after the success of his hedge fund firm Tiger Management said that the United States is "just getting into the recession." He had predicted last year that the U.S. economy was in for "a doozy of a recession."
He said he didn't expect the recession to last as Japan's 1990s recession, however he believes the U.S. will soffer because "80-85 percent of Americans are broke. So they have to cut back on their spending."
Stocks he rates as "some excellent buys" are Apple, Microsoft, Baidu, MasterCard and Visa.
His current favorite trade is the "curve steepener" trade which is "a derivative that pays the difference between the two-year interest rate on government bonds against the 10-year and 30-year [bonds.]
He has an investment in copper "which is selling so far below its cost of production, [that it] is a terrific short."
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