October Surprise for Mahoney May Make Keeping His Seat Difficult
The Associated Press is reporting that Rep. Tim Mahoney, a married congressman from Florida, will soon be under an ethics investigation. Tim Mahoney, a Democrat, ran for Mark Foley's seat in Florida after it came to light that Rep. Foley was caught in scandal involving sending messages to teenage male pages at Capitol Hill. Foley, a Republican, was accused of sending sexually explicit messages to the male pages and ultimately resigned from Congress.Tim Mahoney now faces allegations of a sex scandal involving an alleged mistress, Patricia Allen, and an alleged payoff to buy her silence. However, toTim Mahoney's credit, as reported by the Wall Street Journal, he called for an ethics investigation into this matter himself, before Speaker Pelosi called for her own ethics investigation into the matter.
Alleged affair could cost Tim Mahoney the election.
Tim Mahoney's alleged affair with Patricia Allen could cost him his seat. Values voters in his district could well tune out to excuses or explanations and voteinstead for Tom Rooney. An alleged affair has tanked many a political hopeful's chances at winning an election. Back in 1988, Gary Hart bowed out of the Democratic presidential primaries because news of his connection to Donna Rice made front page news. Gary Hart, who was married at the time, denied the allegations, but a photo surfaced of him with the blonde beauty in his lap, holding his hand with her other arm around his neck. Though he re-entered the primaries, he received virtually no votes and bowed out a second time for good. His marriagesurvived the scandal, but his political career never really recovered.
Alleged affair could cost Tim Mahoney the election.
Tim Mahoney's alleged affair with Patricia Allen could cost him his seat. Values voters in his district could well tune out to excuses or explanations and voteinstead for Tom Rooney. An alleged affair has tanked many a political hopeful's chances at winning an election. Back in 1988, Gary Hart bowed out of the Democratic presidential primaries because news of his connection to Donna Rice made front page news. Gary Hart, who was married at the time, denied the allegations, but a photo surfaced of him with the blonde beauty in his lap, holding his hand with her other arm around his neck. Though he re-entered the primaries, he received virtually no votes and bowed out a second time for good. His marriagesurvived the scandal, but his political career never really recovered.
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