If this is true, I completely disagree. Society already has a skewed idea about normal body weight. There is nothing wrong with Cheryl Burke's weight, in my view.
Fellow dancing professionals Louis Van Amstel and Maksim Chmerkovsky the Chekov latest critics to pile on Cheryl Burke about her weight, claiming her weight might discourage people from dancing.
“(People) look at this show to be inspired and think, ‘If I just work hard enough, I can look like that,” Louis Van Amstel, who in “DWTS” season 6 was paired with Priscilla Presley, told the new issue of TV Guide. “If they watch someone who’s dancing her butt off and she’s still heavy, they can be discouraged. You have to take that responsibility.”Chmerkovsky added that he talked to Burke and another dancer, Lacy Schwimmer about their weight at the beginning of the most recent Dancing with the Stars season.
“When I first saw these women this season, I said, ‘Guys, you know the camera adds 10 pounds,’” Chmerkovskiy recounted. “‘You have to do something about this.’”
Burke has won the popular contest television show twice already and is currently paired up with Maurice Green and still in the running while Chmerkovsky had to leave the competition after his partner, Misty May-Treanor of beach volleyball olympics fame, tore her Achillestendon.
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