Sunday, December 21, 2008

9 Year-Old Gets Six Figure Movie Deal for “How to Talk to Girls" Guide

 Fox Broadcasting Company has gotten on board for adapting a film from the self-help book of 9 year-old breakout writer, Alex Greven. As reported by Reuters, the fourth grader’s recently published book, “How to Talk to Girls” has earned him a six-figure deal with the broadcasting company.

Greven’s book was discovered after he began selling it as a handwritten pamphlet for $3 at a book fair at his school. The Colorado student later earned a publishing deal with Harper Collins, which led to the contract with Fox. Fox reportedly initially declined the book, but changed their mind after witnessing the high volume positive reception it has received.

Tips from “How to Talk to Girls” cover everything from how to dress and comb one’s hair to cutting down on sugar to reduce being hyper. The book also identifies pretty girls as those who “have big earrings, fancy dresses and all the jewelry but are like cars that need a lot of oil.”


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