They accused McCain of wanting to make Whoopi a slave again and here ther are saying you should be able to believe what you believe. Strange turn around.
Definition of Bimbo. Slang. A woman regarded as vacuous or as having an exaggerated interest in her sexual appeal.
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1 Comment:
I am so sick of these ignorant COMEDIANS acting like they have superior knowledge about politics.
They got rid of Rosie but the show is just the same. The disrespect they showed the McCains is unforgivable.
And as far as giving their "viewpoint"
which is what the show is supposed to be about; that is a joke. It's 4 against one. This week Barbra Walters stopped Elizabeth to say "Can't you agree with us just once when we are right?
Bill Maher is just a mentally sick person. No other excuse for him.
His new movie's goal is to mock God.
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