Associated Press - December 4, 2008 7:03 AM ET
MIAMI (AP) - A Florida congresswoman was so determined not to be "punked" that she hung up on the president-elect.
The Miami Herald reports that Republican Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (ih-lay-AH'-nah rahs LAY'-tih-nehn) got a call yesterday from a man sounding remarkably like Barack Obama. He wanted to congratulate her on her re-election, and say he was looking forward to working with her.
But Ros-Lehtinen suspected it was a radio station prank. She says she told the caller he sounded better than the guy on Saturday Night Live, but she wasn't going to be "punked." When Obama's chief of staff called, she hung up on him, too.
It took a call from a fellow congressman to convince Ros-Lehtinen the Obama call was legit.
She says Obama laughed about it all, and didn't blame her for being skeptical.
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