SEATTLE — The Seattle Fire Department says a 61-year-old man poured gasoline over himself and set himself on fire at the University of Washington.
Spokeswoman Helen Fitzpatrick says it happened about 1 p.m. Thursday in Red Square on campus. She says the man has been taken to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle.
Jacob Maria told KOMO-TV he was in Suzzallo Library when he heard someone scream. He came out and saw a person engulfed in flame. Several people tried to put out the fire with fire extinguishers and pieces of clothing.
"It was a huge fire. There were people running away saying 'someone just lit himself on fire,"' Maria said. "Everybody was pretty shaken up. I'm still kind of shocked that it happened."
Maria said after the flames were extinguished, the man appeared to be badly burned and not coherent when medics arrived. He said there was a strong smell of gasoline and there was a gas can in the man's backpack.
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