A private investigator is looking into whether a possible sighting of missing Florida toddler Caylee Anthony has any merit.
A photograph of a child resembling the 3-year-old girl taken at a west Florida mall was released on Friday, according to MyFOXOrlando.com.
The picture, reportedly snapped by a shopper at the mall, was given to D & A Investigations, a firm that is working with the Anthony family. It has also been turned over to Orange County sheriffs and the FBI.
D & A is asking anyone with any information on the potential sighting to call 1-888-231-5618 or emailcayleetips@yahoo.com.
On Thursday, the lawyer for the tot's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, quit the job, saying only Caylee's imprisoned mother knows the truth about what happened.
Mark NeJame indicated that he was off the case because of disagreements with the Anthonys. Their daughter Casey Anthony is jailed on first-degree murder charges in Caylee's presumed death.
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