FAYETTEVILLE - A McDonald's restaurant in northwest Arkansas and others face a lawsuit after employees allegedly posted nude photographs on the Internet off a cellular phone lost there.
Phillip and Tina Sherman of Bella Vista filed a lawsuit against McDonald's Corporation; Mathews Management Company, which owns the McDonald's franchise on Sixth Street in Fayetteville; and Aaron Brummley, a manager of the restaurant. The suit seeks more than $3 million in damages after nude photographs of Tina Sherman were posted on a Web site.
The suit claims Phillip Sherman lost his phone at the restaurant on July 5. The phone contained nude photographs his wife sent him.
Though employees promised to secure the phone until Phillip Sherman returned, his wife began receiving text messages from it, the suit claims. The photographs later made their way to a Web site.
Brummley refused to comment, referring the matter to company officials. McDonald's officials and franchise owners did not return messages seeking comment.
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