Houston, TX (AHN) - Close to 250,000 Houston residents lack clean, running water, admitted the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). But these are the confirmed ones only.
Chances are another 600,000 residents are suffering from the same fate, but could not be confirmed, because of lack of communication facilities as phone lines were also damaged by Hurricane Ike.
Among the counties that lack potable and running water were Fort Bend, Chambers, Brazoria and Liberty. The TCEQ conceded the damage to the state's water system was extensive and it would take time to bring back service to its previous level, said Elston Johnson, TCEQ manager of public drinking water section.
Meanwhile to ease the flow of traffic in Houston, county officials have assigned more officers to direct traffic and reopened high-occupancy car lanes. As of Tuesday, about 1,200 traffic lights in Houston intercessions were not yet operational.
Mike Marcotte, Houston's director of public works and engineering estimated it would take the city until November to fix all intersection traffic lights. About 90 percent of Houston's 2,500 traffic signals were destroyed by Hurricane Ike.
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