This is from a very, very right sided Blog. But it has some good links and I don't think ACORN should be involved in this bailout bill.
Posted by Elderscapes on Friday, September 26, 2008 1:25:00 PM
Funding the political action arms of the Democrat Party: ACORN and La Raza
Did democats actually propose giving ACORN a portion of the $700 million in the original bailout draft? Yes.
This is -- by far -- (even more underhanded than Reid attempting to attach a no-drilling legislation and a multi-billion stimulus package to the bailout bill) an unethical and dastardly attempt by democrats to fund an anti-government organization which is currently embroiled in voter fraud cases throughout the nation.
From SadimTouch: (note: links to ACORN site may have been disabled or changed since this news broke last evening. We are looking for screen shots of referenced pages.)
This money handout is obviously in response to ACORN's lobbying efforts this week. They have been begging for it. (ht to Excuse Me For Kickin)
If this is accurate, and not a misspoken error, the Democrats have dropped a bomb on themselves. This is a big mistake for them, because up until this point in the campaign they have managed to avoid the ACORN connection with, "voter fraud, embezzlement, and misuses of taxpayer funds, ACORN's pattern of fraud can no longer be dismissed as a series of 'unfortunate events.'" They didn't get the memo that there is an investigation going on, that looks ugly and smells ugly. For them to carve out this level of funding in this hastily cobbled together proposal is remarkable for showing that the Democrats exhibit enormous arrogance in thinking the public will not care, and secondly that they are totally unaware that there is a moral issue in inflating this bill unnecessarily at a time like this (or EVER!), never mind that it is going to an organization that has possible rampant corruption.
We have previously reported Obama's association with ACORN in these posts at Perish the Thought:
-- Father's Socialist Dreams
-- Foreign Policy: One World Order
-- Illinois Senate Years
-- U.S. Senate Days
-- Hidden Agenda(s)
-- Oblamanomics
-- Obama's Energy Plan(s)
-- Issues & Topics
-- Terrorism/Iraq
-- Questionable Associates
-- Obama's "Communities"
SadimTouch continues:
Barack Obama was once the Attorney for ACORN. While Obama was Chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, the CAC provided funds for ACORN's Voter Registration Activities. Obama provided training to ACORN workers who are frequently misrepresented as "Volunteers" - ACORN pays for its Voter Registration Activities. ACORN, which receives partial taxpayer funding, uses those funds to conduct solicitations for contributions to Political Campaigns. In Philadelphia alone ACORN has raised over $800,000 Dollars for Barack Obama's Campaign.
More links:
Kill the bailout: More ACORN funding?!
Alert - Bailout Talks Include Funding Corrupt ACORN
What is ACORN? Why is ACORN Associated With Voter Fraud - Does Obama Have An ACORN Connection?
Report: Part of Democratic Bailout Diverts Our Money to ACORN « Pocket Change - Now Lint Free!
Republicans, ACORN feud over suspicious voter cards
ACORN and the Communist Party USA
And the bailout cash goes to… ACORN!
Bailout For……ACORN?????? , An Ol' Broad's Ramblings
Report: Part of Democratic Bailout Diverts Our Money to ACORN
Webloggin » Alert - Bailout Talks Include Funding to Corrupt ACORN
John Fund Talks ACORN Vote Fraud - video
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