Senator REID: I think it's fair to say that we're making progress. I think it's very fair to say that. As you know, a meeting was convened last night at 8 o'clock. And a few hours later, Senator Dodd and I talked sometime around 11 o'clock last night. The staff's meeting right now, and we hope to have a members meeting later today.
We're going to get this done and stay in session as long as it takes to get it done.
We'll work with the president, modify his plan to make it better for taxpayers and homeowners. We want to make sure that there's oversight.
Chairman Dodd will talk about some of the things that we feel are principles that must be in any legislation that we pass. Among them are, of course, oversight, that the American taxpayers not only -- if they have to take the risk, they should get some of the rewards.
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Video on Bailout Plan I am not a Huge Fan of Christopher Dodd. Here are some of his comments. I think he is corrupt.
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