Thirty-one-year-old Omhari Sengstacke was ordered held in lieu of $250,000 bail during Wednesday's hearing. Sengstacke is the grandson of the late John Sengstacke, publisher of the Chicago Defender and other African-American-oriented newspapers, and founder of the National Newspaper Publishers Association, an organization of publishers of newspapers for the African-American market.
Cook County prosecutor Erin Antonietti says Sengstacke approached security officers near Obama's South Side home Tuesday and told them he needed to speak with the senator about a job.
Sengstacke was asked to leave. He went back to his BMW, and then approached the officers again.
Antonietti says when police searched his car, they found a .40 caliber pistol, a bulletproof vest and ammunition. Sengstacke was charged with unlawful use of a weapon by a felon and criminal trespassing on state land.
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