Los Angeles, CA (CNS) - Halle Berry may be a new mom, but that doesn't mean she isn't sexy. In fact, Esquire magazine has named her Sexiest Woman Alive in its November issue.
Wearing little more than a T-shirt, the former Bond girl talks about being sexy in the issue. "I don't know exactly what it means, but being 42 and having just had a baby, I think I'll take it," Berry says.
Berry gave birth to her daughter, Nahla, in March. She also went on to say that "Sexiness is a state of mind -- a comfortable state of being. It's about loving yourself in your most unlovable moments."
Berry isn't willing to hold the title of Sexiest Woman Alive by herself, however. The Oscar winner for "Monster's Ball," said, "I share this title with every woman, because every woman is a nominee for it an any moment."
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