ABC News' Teddy Davis and Arnab Datta Report: Part way through Tuesday's debate, Obama press secretary Bill Burton emailed reporters asking: "Did John McCain just refer to Obama as 'that one'?"
"Folks are going to remember that," Burton told ABC News in a separate email.
Showing the power of a well-timed email, McCain's reference to Obama as "that one" became a topic of discussion in the spin room following the debate.
Obama strategist David Axelrod called it "odd."
"Senator Obama has a name," said Axelrod. "You'd expect your opponent to use that name."
Asked about the Obama campaign's effort to draw attention to the reference, McCain adviser Steve Schmidt sought to brush it off.
"I think it is diversionary on their part," said Schmidt, referring to the Obama campaign.
McCain's "that one" reference came when the Arizona senator was contrasting his opposition to the 2005 Bush energy bill which was, in McCain's words, "loaded down with goodies, billions for the oil companies," with Obama's support for the measure.
"You know who voted for it? You might never know. That one," said McCain, gesticulating towards Obama. "You know who voted against it? Me."
Tuesday's town-hall style presidential debate took place on the campus of Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn.
It was moderated by NBC's Tom Brokaw.
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