LOS ANGELES (AP) ― A 34-year-old woman has been charged with stalking Los Angeles Lakers forward Luke Walton. Police Sergeant Steve Tobias said Stacy Elizabeth Beshear of El Segundo was arrested Sept. 18 after she pulled up to Walton's car and pretended to fire gunshots at him with her hand. Beshear has pleaded not guilty to a misdemeanor count of stalking. A Nov. 6 trial date has been set in the case. District attorney spokeswoman Jane Robison said Beshear faces up to a year in county jail if convicted. Walton said Beshear has been harassing him since late last year. He told The Orange County Register she waited outside his Manhattan Beach home numerous times and wrote on his car with a marker after he refused to sign an autograph. Walton said Beshear is "not all there in the head."
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